Advance Care Planning – Are You Ready?

We come across many families who are dealing with end of life matters for their loved one or they are now dealing with their estate. Often, so many challenges and heartbreaking fights within siblings and other loved ones could be avoided if Advance Care Planning was discussed prior to the initial crisis. To help you and your loved ones, we’ve compiled a list of printable resources that you can use to start the conversation with your loved ones and/or begin planning for yourself.

1. Living Well Planning Well Toolkit

This is a great website that provides many tools and printable guides to help you and your loved ones. We especially like the “Living Well Planning Toolkit” that provides you and your loved ones the opportunity to discuss wishes for care should an illness or tragic accident occur.

2. Who Will Speak for You? Workbook

There are many things your loved ones would need to know should you become too ill to speak for yourself. The Advance Care Planning Workbook will guide you through a series of questions and answers that you provide that you can leave with your Power of Attorney.

3. Power of Attorney for Personal Property and Personal Care

Do you have your two Power of Attorney documents – one for personal property and the other for personal care? If you do not and you’re not sure what they are and how they differ, this Power of Attorney Guide will provide you with the most frequently asked questions and the risks in not having them ready should something happen to you.

4. Power of Attorney Online Document Creation

There are websites that provide you with the ability to write your Power of Attorney online and print them for your files. We strongly recommend that if you use a service like, that you have it reviewed by a lawyer to ensure you did not miss anything important and that your document fully protects you.

5. Last Will & Testament

We all know we need a will, but what should be in it? This website provides the answers to the most asked questions including how to ensure your document is legal and binding and what to include in it.


The above documents and website are to serve as resources and guides for you and your loved ones. We strongly encourage to seek professional advice from a lawyer to ensure all of your documents cover the important elements that you may not have thought of and to ensure they provide you and your loved ones with the most comprehensive protection for you and your assets, while bringing peace of mind to you and your loved ones.

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