Celebrate Family & Your Memories By Honouring Them Regularly

Thanksgiving weekend is upon us and it’s tradition to spend time with family while enjoying a delicious turkey dinner and all the fixings.

As you prepare for the celebration ahead, think of ways to honour your family traditions not only this weekend but regularly.  What can you do weekly or monthly that will bring the family together as you celebrate special memories and recognize loved ones in your life?

Here’s are some ideas:

  • Create a phone tree whereby each family member calls a loved one once per week or once per month to share the highlights of what is going on in their lives.  Have a place to record the good news stories to share with all family members.
  • Write a family newsletter that is shared online or in print using photos and short descriptive paragraphs recounting celebrations, milestones and good news.
  • Organize a “good news chain” where one person shares one good news story and then sends it or shares it with a family member, who then shares it with someone else.  Keep the chain going, once per week, or once per month.  Include good news stories from each family member as the chain of sharing grows.
  • Have a photo of the week that you share between family members through email or online.
  • Have a song of the week or month that showcases a family member’s favourite song and the reason it is so special to them.
  • Have a walk-down-memory-lane day each week or month where you share your favourite memory with family members.

 Use your imagination and get everyone involved; young and older can participate in sharing of memories, good times and things that they remember as special.  Enjoy each other and all that you are as a family through the sharing of what matters most in your lives.


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