Helping Our Loved Ones Beat the Winter Blues

man-in-thoughtIt’s been a long winter! No one will disagree nor will they argue that many are beginning to get truly fed up with it. The cold. The snow. The dreary days without sunlight.

As we care for our loved ones, and ourselves, it is so very important to be conscious that S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can have a profound effect on our physical, mental and spiritual well-being during such a long, cold and snowy winter.

To help you and your loved one’s here are some recommendations to help you and your loved ones:

1.  Stay Active:

The brutal winter we have kept so many of us inside, not getting the fresh air that we need nor the social interactions that we crave.  For you and your loved ones, offset this by staying active indoors on the coldest and stormy days by playing cards, looking through family albums, listening to old music that makes you want to dance.

Don’t stay indoors without having activities to stimulate your mind, body and soul, and be sure to be there for your aging loves ones who need social experiences to keep them feeling alive, energized and valued.

2.  Get Outside

Easier said than done, right? Well, there are many areas you can take your aging loved ones that don’t require you to be outside for long periods of time.  Take them to the mall, to a nice lunch at their favorite restaurant, or dancing at the recreation centre.

When possible, stand outside in the sunlight for five minutes to absorb the Vitamin D that the sun’s rays provide and be in a moment of gratitude.  Allow the moment to fill you up and feel appreciative to be alive.  Do this several times per day and energize your mind, body and spirit.

3. Be Social

If you can’t get outside, go online.  iPads are great for our aging family members as they keep us connected to them.  Engage in FaceTime or Skype conversations.  Text each other and play online games together.  Use online platforms to keep you connected no matter your age or that of your loved ones.

4. Remove Negativity 

With so many options at our finger tips, choose to watch and listen to uplifting television programs, movies and music.  Remove toxicity from your life by eliminating programs that bring you down rather than lift you up.  Watch re-runs of your favorite television programs that make you laugh, smile and feel happy.  With all that is available,  you truly can choose what you surround yourself with.

5.  Have Fun!

Life is too short to dwell on what brings us down.  Have some fun – online and offline.  Engage your loved ones through music, movies, engaging conversations, games and dance.  Don’t limit yourself to what you think they can do – engage and have some fun.

Summer is but just a few months away but for now, know that you can help your loved ones stay happy and healthy mentally by eliminating what can be bringing them down and engaging them to have some fun, be social and active!

Now go have some fun!

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