I Don’t Know Where to Start

It can be so overwhelming looking at all the clutter and “stuff” you’ve accumulated over the years. You know it’s time to clear out the space and let go but you don’t know where to start.

You may be saying to yourself:  

  • “I’m overwhelmed and I do not know how or where to start.”
  • “I’m afraid that it will cost me a lot of time, money and resources.”

Let me assure you – what you are feeling is normal. Everyone goes through the overwhelm phase until they have a plan and are ready to start.

This is what we recommend:

1. Start where it’s easiest: You may have heard that you should start by the hardest room and work towards what it is easiest. In our ten-year experience, we recommend the opposite. We recommend you start where it’s easiest and build up your “purge muscle” as we call it. This will boost your confidence and you’ll see results much quicker. We recommend starting with linen closets and sock drawers as there isn’t a lot of emotional attachment to those objects. Then work in another room or area that you can move through and save the hardest for last.

2. Work in small blocks of time: Contrary to some beliefs, decluttering does not have to be a weekend project. It can be one that is done over the course of time in small blocks of time. When we work with clients, we often work 4-5 hours at a time. This allows us to get a lot done in that time, and leave the rest of the day for others things. You can break that down even further and work through a room one section, one hour at a time. By breaking your task down into smaller blocks of time, you are also breaking down your project into smaller pieces too.

3. Know that you do not have to do it alone: Call in the troops! Get the kids involved! Make it a fun project. You all start by sorting into piles – Keep, Donate, Trash, Maybe (but that “maybe” pile has to be put into one of the other three categories before the session is up. Have clear plastic backs or boxes for clothing and other donatables. Charities love to see what you are donating and a clear bag and boxes will prevent from throwing away good items that are in a black garbage bag. Items you are keeping need to find a home. Trash needs to get out of the house. Once you are done your project, celebrate with a fun activity and be sure to recognize everyone’s efforts!

There are many things that keep us from moving forward and often those things are what we are feeling as fear, doubt and overwhelm.  Your can do this!

And if you need additional help, we are but a phone call or email away! 

We are here to help you and your loved ones to declutter, get organized, downsize or move.  Contact us to answer your questions or to schedule your private and confidential consultation.

If you need help having the items you no longer need, use or want brought to local charity, the recyclers or the waste site all at once, contact 1-800-GOT-JUNK?.

Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to help!


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