It’s Not the Stuff That Matters

When we were younger, it seemed like the more stuff we had, the better off we were.  Sure, there were the toys for the kids, clothes to keep them warm and all the photos to go along with the memories of  passed seasons.

Now that we are getting older, there really is no reason to keep so much stuff.  Except if you are like our parents and they lived through the depression and in their perspective, everything had a second, third and fourth purpose.  You just didn’t ever throw anything out.

We often see this when working with adult children of aging parents who really want to help them to downsize and move into a smaller home.  Heck, the same holds true for us adult children too,  having a lifetime of memories in our basements and attics while we also house our children’s stuff until they get bigger homes themselves.

The truth be told that none of that stuff really matters.  It really doesn’t! What really matters is the connections we have with our loved ones, the time we spend together and all the wonderful memories we create.  We can buy another gadget if we need one but we can’t buy more time with the people we love.

As you and/or your parents prepare to simplify your lives or downsize for an upcoming move remember, it’s not the stuff that matters.  It’s the time and the memories that time creates with those we love the most.

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