Out With the Old. In with the New!

“It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life. And I’m feeling good!”

Oh…you gotta love Michael Buble and his sweet sounding voice. This is the song that has been playing in my head over and over since last Friday as the new website, logo, programs and events all prepared to launch this week. It’s been an exciting time for us all at Moving Forward Matters with our current and past clients cheering us on while we made sure that all the pieces were in place to make what we do and offer that much better.

There are so many new and exciting things to announce; I just don’t know where to start. 🙂

As you have seen, we have a new logo and brand new design to our website. The colours are softer and more inviting. And our new logo represents what we do; help families move from a larger home to a smaller home, while blending the two, all with love.


We have a brand-new downloadable resource called “The Art of Downsizing: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Smooth Home Transition”. It’s a 50-page self-help document that is complete with worksheets and checklists. It’s a fantastic resource for all who are considering a home transition now or in the near


We have added coaching services for the families and individuals who like to do most of the work themselves. Often it’s just a matter of getting the right resources, the right sequence of steps or knowing that you’re on the right track. We’re here to help with three different DIY coaching packages, on top of our full-service home transition services.

And finally, we’ve added an educational series to what we offer. Our first is “Money Matters With Age”, a three-part teleseries to help you manage your money so you can care for your loved ones and rest easy knowing your financial future is secure.

We are delighted you are here! We are delighted you are part of the Moving Forward Matters family. Welcome!

Pierrette Raymond, Founder
Moving Forward Matters

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