I Don’t Know Where to Start!

Aging parents“I don’t know where to start!”, Marie exclaims as she looks at her mother’s closet, knowing that much of what is there has to go.

Marie’s mother was just transfered from the hospital into a long-term care facility and she is now left with the charge of emptying her mother’s apartment in less than two weeks.

“I just don’t know where to start”, she says again, looking exasperated.

“It’s ok Marie. We’re here to help. And to start, let’s start where it’s easiest.”

She turns to me and wonders what I mean.

“What area of your mother’s apartment would be the easiest for you to start in?”, I ask Marie who turns to me and appears to be breathing a little easier.

“I suppose the kitchen would be one of the easiest. There’s not too much there and I know she won’t need any of that now.”

“Well, let’s go there then. Let’s start there, one cupboard at a time. It will be ok.”

Starting in an area where it’s easiest will remove the overwhelm and emotional charge that comes with other rooms or spaces in your loved one’s home. Often times, linen closets, sock drawers and bathroom vanities are the easiest places to start, either in a downsize or a home organizing project.

For Marie, she felt the kitchen would be easiest and that’s where we started.

Don’t feel like you have to start in any one room. Start where it’s easiest and you will give yourself an opportunity to get started, see results and build upon taking small steps.

Remember, you do not have to do it alone. We are here to help! Contact us for a complimentary, no obligaton consultation.

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