The best organizing solutions for you

Taking a trip to the organizing store can be exhilarating especially if you love different coloured containers, pretty baskets and the unique solutions that can be found there. However, before you make the trip, think beyond what you see on Pinterest and think about practical storage solutions that will keep your items organized as well as clean and dust free. here are some organizing solutions that will help you save time and money all while creating the organized spaces you desire.

If you’d like to see Pierrette walk you through the organizing store in a past video, check it out

1. Choose the containers that are the right size:
Wide containers are perfect to store larger items in a storage room or basement, narrow short containers are perfect to store smaller items in closets, cupboards or drawers. If you are looking to store wrapping paper or taller items, then you may want to invest in narrower, taller containers. Before you purchase a dozen containers of the same size, make sure the containers suit the size of what you are putting in them.
2. Choose clear storage containers with lids: 

Think function over form when choosing a container for an organizing or downsizing project. It’s best to choose clear containers because they will allow you to see what is inside. Choose a lidded container to keep items clean and protected from dust and other allergens. 
3. Label containers:
To help find things easily, label the exterior of all containers and storage bins with a list (or a photograph) of what is inside. If you are downsizing and/or moving, keep a master list of container numbers and their contents for easy reference at a later date.
4. Baskets: 
There are baskets for every purpose. We recommend baskets with lids when storing items that need to stay clean of dust and other allergens, such as pet fur. Open-faced baskets are perfect for items that are used frequently and for which you need quick access.
5. Hangers: 
There are as many types of hangers as there are colours. You can be creative and choose a specific colour of hanger for a type of garment you are storing in your closet. For example, dark hangers for dress clothes, white hangers for blouses and a specific colour for pants. Or you can choose the colour of hanger to match the colour of the garment. The sky’s the limit so have fun and be creative.
HANGER TRICK:  Hang your garments with hangers facing one direction. As you use a garment and return it after it being laundered, turn the hanger in the opposite direction. This will give you a clear visual of what you wear most often and what has not been worn. You will most likely see that you wear 20% of you own 80% of the time.
6. Final tip: Do not go to an organizing store without a specific list of what you need. This will save you time and money as you will purchase what you need knowing it provides the organizing solution you require.
Remember, you do not have to do it alone. We are here to help so be sure to contact us with your questions. We are available for physically distanced downsizing and moving assistance or if you are going through a major life transition such as a death in the family or a separation or divorce.
You can also count on my team at 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to bring items to local charity, to the recyclers and to the waste sites. They will come into your home or office, and get haul away your junk with their No Contact Junk Removal Services. 
We are here to help!

We are excited to announce that we have added a new service for our clients – a second-hand store where we will sell your items for you. No commissions. We simply create a package for you where we’ll set up and manage your sale. If you are looking for second-hand items that are in great condition, be sure to visit our store weekly for our new additions. We’re open and ready to serve! Happy shopping – and thank you for helping our clients find new homes for their items.

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