Warning Signs That Your Aging Parent or Loved One May Need Help

It’s the New Year, an opportunity to start fresh, plan ahead and take advantage of all the exciting opportunities that are to come. It’s an incredible time where we feel the desire to move forward in all the right ways, leaving behind unhealthy habits, procrastination and negative thinking.

But for how many of you, the holidays were a stark reminder that things at home, with your parents or a loved one, were changing?

Over the holidays, you may have found your parents, an older friend or a loved one not able to move like they used to, think like they used to, engage like they used to. There were little red flags that caught your attention and made you think that things were different, that they were shifting and that your loved one may be heading towards the direction of requiring more assistance, support or even, a new home.

There are obvious warning signs that it may be time to investigate options for your loved one, options that would help them continue to live in their current home or opt for a smaller home or residence with in-house services.

Here are some of the warning signs that can help you begin the process of investigating options that are presently available to you and your loved one. Below is a list of questions that you could ask your loved one using understanding, compassion, openness and respect. Remember, it’s very important not to judge or criticize their answers. Allow them to share what they are ready to share now while you support and help them moving forward:

• Are you having trouble maintaining the condition of your home?
• Are you having trouble cleaning your home?
• Are you finding yourself avoiding the stairs because they are too challenging to go up or come down?
• Are you worried about your personal safety in your home?
• Are you having difficulty taking care of yourself?
• Are you feeling isolated from family and friends because it’s becoming too challenging to go out by yourself?
• Are you feeling lonely?
• Are you worried that medical care isn’t easily accessible because of where you currently live?
• Are you worried that you are or will become a burden to your children?
• Are your children hinting that it’s time to move?

If your loved one has said yes to any of the above or hesitated while answering, it may be time to begin the process of investigating options. There is no need to jump to conclusions and initiate a full-blown intervention. Simply begin enquiring about services that are available to provide assistance for your loved one to continue to live in their home. Speak to family members and friends on what each person can do to pitch in to help and support your loved one. And start investigating housing options that provide in-house services that will be beneficial to your loved one moving forward.

There is help available. You do not have to journey through this phase of life alone.

Please note that we also have a free resource available for download called “The Art of Downsizing: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Smooth Home Transition” that is available on our website. This guide offers practical tips to help find resources for your loved one to stay in their home or downsize to a smaller home or residence. The guide also provides step-by-step instructions on where to start the downsizing process, how to find suitable home accommodations and how to navigate the home transition route.

You are not alone. We are here to help. Call or email us with your questions or concerns and we’ll be happy to support you in your quest for information and help.


Pierrette2For more than twelve years, Pierrette Raymond has been working alongside families undergoing stress, anxiety and fear as they experience major life transitions including the loss of a loved one, moving from one home to another, or downsizing and decluttering their homes.

With a background in Psychology & Education and subsequent training in Death, Dying, Bereavement, Grief Recovery and certifications as a Certified Relocation & Transition Specialist & a Masters in NLP, she understands the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual challenges and complexities that people must face while they journey through a time of transition.

She has been described as compassionate, caring, having a huge heart and always working passionately and diligently for the families that she serves.

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