Ultimate Kindness Project: We’re Running Out of Time!

I had the honour of interviewing Kim about what it has been like since the Ultimate Kindness Project started and what the past few months have been for her with a van that has over 377,000kms, is rusted through and has no air conditioning.  To say the least, she and her son have been toughing (or more like roughing) it out.

BUT we’re so close to our goal of gifting a wheelchair accessible van to her and her son! So close in fact that the dealership called her this week to tell her that they found a suitable van but she is going to have to accept it or it will be gone.

The problem – we don’t have all the funds!  We’re $5,000 short!!

Here is my interview with Kim. Listen to her story and imagine being in her shoes, in their shoes.  

Can you help?

Can you help this mother and son be in a vehicle that will give her the physical relief she needs?

Can you help this mother and son be in a vehicle that will have heat for the cold days to come?

Can you help this mother and son be in a vehicle that is safe and won’t break down on the way to the hospital?

I hope so!  We hope so! Please listen to Kim and make your donation.  Your help will change their lives!


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