Often we feel stuck when paralized by indecision. It’s this indecision that keeps up from taking steps to move us forward. Recently, we met with a family who wanted assistance preparing their house for the market. They didn’t have a big project ahead of them compared...
Family Traditions – Create a New One!
It’s not only during the holidays that we should have family traditions although there seem to be many more that are part of the festivities at this time of the year. To help spawn new traditions of your own, we thought we’d provide you with some resources that could...
Telelink – Distance Help for Care Palliative Patients & Their Families
Having the proper palliative care for a loved one can be a challenge. Travelling to receiving care, obtaining the proper care, and navigating the maze of the medical system can all impede the care required by a loved one who is nearing end of life. To help families,...
Three Tips to Keep Your Home Tidy During the Holidays
It’s that time of year again….where everything is rushing by us so quickly and there is just so much to do in very little time. And what suffers? The tidiness of our homes. To help, we’d like to offer you the folllowing three things you and your family members can do...